When we keep a promise, we take responsibility for our words. 当许下一个承诺时,我们就应该说到做到。
Keep an appointment, the law, a promise, a treaty. 遵守约会、法律、诺言、条约。
That's just like jim, you can never rely on him to keep a promise. 吉姆就是那个样子;你别相信他会信守诺言。
Keep promise as a promise; if you promise your whole life love, keep it till the last moment. 信守你的承诺;如果你承诺了一生的爱,那么你就要坚守到最后一刻。
The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。
Herod had John beheaded to keep a promise. 希律为了守所起的誓把约翰斩头。
It is easier to make a promise than to keep a promise. 作出承诺容易,实现承诺不易。
Keep your word when you make a promise; 做出承诺后要保守承诺;
We guarantee to keep our production in good repair for free in one year, and give a promise of maintenance for life. 我们以“质优价廉、诚信经营、服务为本”的销售理念为您服务,并承诺对本公司产品提供一年免费保修,终身维护、维修。
Moment upon moment I bear all the loneliness only to keep alive a fading promise. 每一刻孤独的承受,只因我曾许下承诺。
If you make promises, you need to be sure you keep them! everyone hates a promise breaker. 如果你许下诺言,就必须保证信守诺言!没有人会喜欢一个不守信用的人。
Oh, President Bush raised hand, was sorry, you were already scolded have been silly, does not keep a promise. 哦,布什总统举手了,抱歉,你已经被骂傻了,不算数。
In such a case, there would be no conflict of duties, because I don't have even a prima facie duty to keep such have a promise. 在这种情况下,就没有任何义务矛盾,因为我甚至没有一个显见义务去遵守这样一个承诺。
They want to keep a promise to balance the federal budget by2011. 他们想在2011年之前恪守平衡联邦预算的承诺。
To fail to keep a commitment or promise. 失言没有履行义务或诺言。
Keep silent a week! Keep the promise! 保持沉默一个星期!信守承诺!
Keep a promise, Find the time, Forgo a grudge. 信守诺言,腾出时间,放弃怨恨。
I could not count on myself to keep such a promise. I should not have said that but I had to make you understand. 我可不敢保证一定能履行这样一个诺言,我本不该提这件事,不过我不能不让你明白。
You said any, hoped any, anticipated any, wants anything not to be unimportant, only had you to make any only then to keep a promise. 你说什麽、希望什麽、期待什麽、想要什麽都不重要,只有你做了什麽才算数。
May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering! May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given! 愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。
I just came here to keep a promise to an old* Friend of mine. 我来这里只是为了履行对老朋友的一个诺言。